Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Speaking of Stupid!

Have you seen this?
This Norwegian dude jumps off the Eiffel Tower, supposedly as part of a publicity stunt, and dies. His parachute got caught and ripped off on his way down. He jumped from 380 feet! He even had a hidden camera in his helmet... I guess helmets don't always save lives.
The best part is he isn't the only one. Hundreds have died jumping from the Eiffel Tower over the years. Some intentional; Some just stupid.
I've never really met any Norwegians, but after reading this article my view of humanity and all of its diverse cultures has changed. Apparently, stupid people are born in every country around the world.


[For more mind-numbing idiocy, and proof that stupid people are indeed taking over the world tune in to Chaotic; Britney Spears & Kevin Federline's new reality television series. Yeah, those two should breed! Check your local listings.]

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