Friday, October 31, 2008

My Halloween Thus Far...
  • A 21 year old student threw a tizzy in class today and attacked me. He swung ineffectual blows against my shoulder while screaming, "I hate you! I hate you! You Son Of A Bitch!"
  • I covered myself with fake spiderwebs and told my Kindergarten classes to call me MR. COBB-WEB. They did. For the rest of the day.
  • On my commute I listened to an hour long radio broadcast of Dracula on the Radio Classics Channel.
  • Dinner with Batman and Tinkerbell!
  • Bad horror movies with the Mrs! (Just finished the first one... I say, 'Boo!' Not like a ghost either, but rather like a big old, Mexican Suckfest of Boo-dom!)
happy halloween Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So I was killing time between jobs today. I decided to drive over to this used bookstore. I have over 10 books on by 'to be read' list but I love looking through used bookstores. $2 books are pretty guilt free.

Anyway, I'm driving to the bookstore when I stop at a stoplight that has always been green before but today is red. I start thinking about what book I'm going to read next, how long it'll take me to read the book I'm on now, etc. When suddenly I glance up at the street name.


Why is that familiar? I don't think I've ever known the street name before but I swear it's familiar. Then I reach over to the passenger seat and pick up my current book, a non-fiction recalling of American secret agents trying to infiltrate the Third Reich, and I open the book to the last chapter I read and there is the name Grovesnor Street! The OSS headquarters was located on Grovesnor Street in London, England.

Isn't that weird? Okay, maybe not 'Twilight Zone' weird but odd enough that I felt the need to post a boring blog about it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

In Case You Were Curious.

I found this today, and told my brother I would post it, before I went to the Oyster Roast and ate myself silly. I told my dad I felt like I'd eaten so many oyster that I could crap pearls! (That's a joke.)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sometimes Our Government Makes Me Sad

Are we a nation of imbeciles?

Do we need to be coddled; protected from ourselves?


I tell you what, people should be able to wear whatever they want to the voting polls. Ever heard of free speech? Six States have some kind of law against wearing campaign paraphernalia to vote: Anti-electioneering laws! (Kinda sounds like a super-villain, doesn't it.)

Beware the Electioneer! He might change your vote at the last minute with his impressive campaign wardrobe! Look out... you may vote for the Green Party! Steer Clear of the Electioneer!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Running Storm; Still Running Strong!

This past Saturday I teamed up again with my friends at Running Storm Productions - that sounds more official than saying, "My friend Dean and his camcorder." - to work on a submission for CAmm SLamm 2008. The 48 hour film festival gives each film making team a common prop and then the teams have 48 hours to write, shoot, and edit an 8 minute film.

This year the prop were lottery tickets. We incorporated the prop into the first scene of a film about a man, me, who becomes infatuated with an abandoned mannequin and fixes her up to sell on ebay. The mannequin causes a rift in my marriage and I'm forced to choose between my wife or the statue.

It was a fun day of shooting. We shot in Canton, and along the waterfront. You should have seen the looks I got carrying the mannequin around the park, playing Frisbee with her, and having a lovely picnic date. I missed the screening tonight but I am anxiously awaiting word on how the film was received.

Monday, October 06, 2008


'The Founding Fathers,' he explained, 'in their wisdom decided that children were an unnatural strain on parents. So they provided jails called schools, equipped with tortures called education. School is where you go between when your parents can't take you and industry can't take you. I am a paid keeper of Society's unusables - the lame, the halt, the insane, and the ignorant. The only incentive I can give you, kid, to behave yourself is this: if you don't buckle down and learn something, you'll be as dumb as I am, and you'll have to teach school to earn a living.'

- George Caldwell
THE CENTAUR by John Updike

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Over a A Year Later

They've finally located Millionaire Adventurer, Steve Fossett's wreckage. If you recall the man, Fossett, whom had broken many records for global circumnavigation (Is that redundant?), both by sea and air went missing in early September 2007, after piloting a single engine plane from Nevada.

In this day and age I am always amazed when people appear to drop off of the face of the earth. Using a satellite our governments can spy on suspicious parties, and coordinate missile attacks on those parties of suspicion but it takes a lone hiker to help solve the mystery of Fossett's disappearance.
