Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bad Day

It just was. I should've stayed in bed. Financial stress. Job stress. Cell phone battery died on the morning commute. It was one thing after another.
I did see something on the morning commute that made me smile though - a tiny smile.

Then on my afternoon commute I spotted a pair of Bumper Nuts. For some reason that always gets me smiling too.

Two smiles during the course of a bad day is not a bad total I guess.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've Made A Decision!

After spending the last few hours bumming around the house and procrastinating from my duties I have decided positive steps are needed. I meant to clean more of the house. I've barely straightened at all. I wanted to read my book. Less than ten pages have been turned today. I planned on working on some of my writing and have put a minimal amount of effort into that today. I did review a script I've been tinkering around with for a couple years now, and have chosen this script to finish.

Before my next birthday, April 28th, I will have finished a rough draft of the aforementioned script. I don't remember when I started writing this particular project but it has sat unfinished for too long; as have many of my other writings. I attack a script or story with vigor during the beginning stages but, inevitably, life gets in the way, or my attention waivers and I stop working on developing the idea. This is a pattern for me as a writer.

Earlier in the year when I gave myself a deadline to write a One Act I rose to the occasion. Maybe deadlines are what I need. Maybe.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"The Real Japan"?

I recently read 'Wrong About Japan: A Father's Journey With His Son'. The author, Peter Carey, wrote the book after being sucked into his son's fascination with Anime and Manga. The book is about the father and son visiting Japan in an attempt to nail down the Japanese Culture behind the art forms.
I read it because someone I know is fixated on the same types of things, and I was hoping to gain a little insight. The quote below is attributed, in the book, to Hayao Miyazaki, a prominent animator, film director and manga artist.

"...One of the most important of man's abilities is the imagination, so the purpose of his creative activities is to develop the imagination of children, the coming generations. Imagination can create a totally different world,depending on its use. It can give birth to virtue, or destructive weapons which threaten the whole world."

Monday, March 21, 2011

At First Glance...

... I was inspired by this story. This young man, minus a leg, just won the NCAA Wrestling Championships! Wow!

Then I start thinking about it. I thought some more, and I remembered how I bad I was when I tried wrestling for a season back in the day. Then I got kind of annoyed. He's only got one leg! I sucked and I had 2 legs! I lost every match, except one and I only got that decision cause the kid cried every time I flipped him over!
Yay for people who excel in the face of adversity... I guess!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Embarrassing Yet Flattering!

So tonight, St. Paddy's Day, I ran straight from work, Job #2, to see a show in Annapolis. I've not done a show with Colonial Players this season but I try to support local talent, and my friends. The show, a musical, was a musical and not one I am in love with but I enjoyed my friends' performances.
Anyway, after the show I was approached in the lobby by a random young man who wanted to talk about 'Frozen'. Yep, that's right readers - you few and faithful - this young man approached me to talk about my 'Award-Winning' role in last season's 'Frozen'! I was just chilling after the show and the kid recognized me and 'had to say something'! It was really a nice surprise! (Sorry if I keep coming back to this but winning the award is still fairly fresh and to have a guy approach me out of the blue to tell me how much he enjoyed the show he saw a year ago makes me very proud!)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Closing Night - "Sight Unseen"

Another curtain falls on yet another show! Tonight was the closing performance of "Sight Unseen". (I'm obviously writing this after midnight.) It has been an pleasure to finally do a show for Dignity Players! An honor to work with the director, and to share the stage with 3 very talented actors/actresses! This show presented its own challenges that we were forced to meet, and overcome as an ensemble. That's one of the things I love best about live theatre; the working together.

We ended on a high note, I believe. Sure it was closing night and there were a few flubs, and line errors that always happen on the final night but the show felt good! We all turned in solid performances - once again this is all my opinion - and made the director proud. That's the thing about a short, 2 week run, you peak and then the show ends. I will miss this show, and hope to keep in touch with everyone but as I've written before that isn't guaranteed.

(Here's is the review from the Baltimore Sun. The Bay Weekly also gave the show a favorable review!)

The above painting is by an artist named Julian Schnabel. I have it on good authority that the play was based, loosely, on his career. My best friend, Adam, was an art major but hated art history so I don't believe I ever heard of this particular artist!

Monday, March 07, 2011

The Results Are In!

It was a very surreal moment! Surrounded by cast-mates, crew, and other theatre friends I heard my name read aloud as the winner and then things got kinda fuzzy. I know I got to my feet as all of my supporters were cheering, and applauding. I made my way to the stage, accepted my award and proceeded to give thanks. It's all a blur. Then I found my way back to my table and into several very earnest and secure hugs. Sara later told me I gave a great acceptance speech; funny, sincere, and short.

I won the W.A.T.C.H. Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play!

'Frozen', a show that we performed just over a year ago had been nominated in 6 categories. Sadly enough, I received my award but the other nominees did not! It was a bittersweet evening. I was glad my work had been acknowledged, but sad that the show, which I was honored to have been a part of, did not end up winning other awards. I was confident that we would at least take home most of the Awards we were nominated for! Who knows how the scoring worked out? It could've come down to just a few points. That's the way I hear it works.

I am honored to have been a part of this production, to know these people and to have received the award.

Interesting side-note for the evening; I was being congratulated by a young man whom just recently played the exact same role that I had just won an award for, Ralph Wantage, when I was approached by a 2nd individual. This man, I must admit I missed his name in all of the excitement, identified himself as one of the WATCH Committee Judges. He shook my hand, congratulated me and proceeded to shower me with some the most generous and passionate compliments I've ever received! He told me he had been waiting an entire year to shake my hand and thank me for my performance. It was, he said, THE best acting performance he had ever seen in his life, community or professional! His sincerity was overwhelming! All I could do was offer my thanks, shake his hand and accept the unbelievable compliment. (Even now I feel slightly embarrassed writing about it.)

Saturday, March 05, 2011

It's An Honor Just To Be Nominated!

That's what they say. I guess it's true.

Tomorrow, after my 3PM Matinee, I will be racing down to Alexandria, VA to attend the 11th Annual Washington Area Theatre Community Honors presentation ceremony. I've written previously how the last show I did, Frozen (2/10), has been nominated for numerous awards including my role which is being considered for best lead actor in a play. We've got a big group of cast and crew driving down to the awards show and we're all keeping our fingers crossed hoping for the best.

We'll see what happens when the W.A.T.C.H. Award winners are announced. I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Opening Night - Sight Unseen

Tonight is opening night for Sight Unseen, my latest theatrical production. I am excited to put this show up in front of an audience. We need the audience.

We've been rehearsing this show since before the New Year - actually, that isn't entirely correct. We originally started out doing another show but then lost the rights - long story - and wound up working on this particular script. As it turns out, we've all... most of us, anyway, seem to have grown really attached to this script, and have put a lot of time and effort into the production.

The show is about a successful artist/painter who has lost his way and is trying to rediscover what made him become an artist in the 1st place. He pays a visit to his ex-girlfriend/muse and her husband in an attempt to get in touch with his past but discovers he cannot go backwards through life. It is a provocative script, a talented group of actors, and a theatre company worth supporting.
Hopefully, all of the hard work and dedication will be rewarded with crowded audiences who appreciate our efforts! Even without that I am glad I took a chance to audition for this theatre company and, in particular, this director. It hasn't turned out the way any of us foresaw but it has been an adventure, and I am proud of the work I've put into the show.

Art with a Capital A has come to the shopping mall generation!

PS. I got into the car this morning to start my commute and the 1st song on the radio is The Animals 'Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood'. A song which I feel is very appropriate for my character in the show. Then 'The Dock Of The Bay' by Otis Redding follows on the radio. A song which instantly makes me miss my mother and think about how proud of me she always was whenever she would come to watch me perform. It was quite the fortuitous beginning of my day.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I Feel Bad... Really, I Do...

...but all of these revolutions happening in the Middle East are killing me and my wallet! I know how selfish and self-centered that sounds but it's true! I filled up today and gas was almost a quarter more expensive than it was before the weekend! It doesn't seem possible. I know that we, as a nation, are reliant on that area of the world for our oil supply, and so it only makes sense that the unrest there would affect fuel prices here at home. I can't help feeling, however, that somewhere along the line someone is taking advantage of the situation and hiking up gas rates! People are dying in the streets in Libya, Egypt, and other countries; demanding a new way of life and some fat cat somewhere is raking in the dough! Things can't go on this way.