Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've Made A Decision!

After spending the last few hours bumming around the house and procrastinating from my duties I have decided positive steps are needed. I meant to clean more of the house. I've barely straightened at all. I wanted to read my book. Less than ten pages have been turned today. I planned on working on some of my writing and have put a minimal amount of effort into that today. I did review a script I've been tinkering around with for a couple years now, and have chosen this script to finish.

Before my next birthday, April 28th, I will have finished a rough draft of the aforementioned script. I don't remember when I started writing this particular project but it has sat unfinished for too long; as have many of my other writings. I attack a script or story with vigor during the beginning stages but, inevitably, life gets in the way, or my attention waivers and I stop working on developing the idea. This is a pattern for me as a writer.

Earlier in the year when I gave myself a deadline to write a One Act I rose to the occasion. Maybe deadlines are what I need. Maybe.

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