Thursday, November 24, 2011

4 Years With This Turkey?

That's right! Today marks our 4 year Wedding Anniversary! We've been together for 4 years as man & wife! SO much has happened over the past 4 years, and as we all know, within the next few weeks a bigger change is expected - just over 2 weeks until baby comes. But for now we will spend this day, Thanksgiving, with my family, eating turkey, watching some football and celebrating our Anniversary down on the Bay.

Since we probably won't be going out much once the baby comes Sara and I went out for a celebratory dinner earlier in the week. We head back to the site of our 1st Anniversary; Osteria 177 here in Annapolis. We did not take a picture to commemorate the night because... well for 2 reasons Sara would tell you. 1st of all, we normally take a picture that we end up using for our holiday cards, this year we're waiting for our new addition and 2ndly, Sara ended up dripping some of her Pumpkin Ravioli onto her shirt. (The Pumpkin Ravioli with crushed Amaretto Cookies was AMAZING!)

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Few Free Nights...

...But not really! It is true that I was off from job #2 for the last 4 nights but that's only because job #1 crept into my evenings for a few days. I'm helping our with the school's holiday theatrical production so after school rehearsals are needed. Also we've had parent/teacher conferences these past 2 weeks and I've had to be available for a few hours into the evening for 4 days. It was funny to hear some co-workers complain about being at work until 7Pm or so when usually if I'm on a double I work until midnight.
Getting home around 7:30 or so was a nice change of pace. I could have dinner with Sara, relax on the couch and go to bed at a halfway decent hour. It also made me think how I'm really going to want that time at home once the baby comes - in 3 weeks! How can I make that happen? Hmm?
If I'm working close to or over 70 hours a week now trying to prepare for the baby is it possible that once the baby comes - in 3 weeks - that I can cut back on a few hours so I can see the baby that's coming in 3 weeks or am I going to need to continue to work 70 hours a week just to keep us a float while Sara is out of work? Logic seems to say I need to keep working. So I guess that's what I'll do for the time being. Until something else comes along, I guess I'll savor the free nights I get when I can get them.
By the way, there's only 3 weeks until the baby comes. (In case you didn't get that already.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

T-Minus 1 Month!

Here We Go! Not as prepared as we'd hoped, and not as ready as we'll ever be!

Here's the pic I shot during the video