Monday, January 30, 2017

What Is Wrong With Me?

There's so much going on these days with work, the family, public politics and every day life that sometimes I crawl into bed at night feeling remarkably unproductive.  Maybe I got sucked into social media instead of reading my current book or instead of working on my writings I crack open a beer and zone out in front of  the boob tube or Mario Kart.  I am often disappointed in myself for various reasons.  It's a new year... But the same old me.

I spend half of my day at work,which some people might consider productive, rolling that same boulder up the same hill day in and day out.  I'm thankful to have a job that allows me to feed and care for my family but that's all it is and will ever be.  The company is a good company to work for if you have bills to pay - everyone does - but I never walk out after a shift feeling anything but relief to be free for the moment.

"Daddy, tell me a story."
"Can you tell me a story?"
"Tell me a Star Wars story, Daddy."

No, I don't want to tell a story.  I don't have the patience, right now, to tell a story.  Sometimes Evie Sue is just trying to get out of eating her dinner or going to sleep but sometimes it's a legitimate request.  She loves using her imagination and pretending and sometimes she just wants to hear a story.  Sometimes, I cannot be bothered.  Why is that?

I like stories.  I write stories.  Writing stories is what I would like to be doing with my professional life.  Instead I work to pay bills and then am, apparently, too busy, distracted or uninterested in sharing a passion of mine with my child.  Why?  Is it a waste of time?  No, sharing these moments with my girls is one of my favorite parts about being a parent.  It's like pulling teeth getting daddy to tell a story, however.

Where is my voice?  What has happened to my creative momentum?  I haven't cranked out anything creative in such a long time, and even have a hard time believing that my writing would be worthwhile anyway.  What would be the point?

I see people "going live" on Facebook with messages of hope, while others are attempting to brand themselves on Instagram by posting inspirational quotes and/or hashtags, and there are friends podcasting and trying to combat the political upheaval in our country.  Me?  I'm not doing any of those things.  I can't even find the time or motivation to tell my five year old a simple story much less pick up an old draft of a script and attempt revisions or start a new project.

Button just came up to me as I'm attempting to finish this post and gave me a hug before climbing onto my lap.  "You're my bestest daddy," she added.  Hm, maybe I'll try a little harder next time she asks me to tap into my creativity and share a story.