Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Sara had this great idea awhile back.  She put a jar up on the mantle and suggested that the two of us write down little memories, or moments of our 1st year as parents as they happen and put them into the jar.  At the end of the year we will go through the jar and read each memory.  It's a good idea in theory, but I'm not always the best at putting it into practice.  I'm never sure if the entry I have is right for the jar.  Is it significant enough?  Will I remember it when we read about it on New Years?  Does this moment count?  Am I over-thinking this whole thing?


I guess what I'm saying is I enjoy everyday of this parenting job; if not every second.  Sometimes it's hard.  I'm working a lot and miss out on somethings.  I'm often preoccupied with adult matters, when I should be focusing on interacting with the Button but I'm trying.  And I try to write down the moments that make me smile, warm my heart, or make me tear up.  I know I'm missing a million though.  As I drift off to sleep I sometimes think of a submission I should make but then I fall asleep.  Or the moments come so fast and furious that I can't keep track of them.  I even sometimes just tell Evie Sue, 'Daddy's favorite part of his day today was coming up the walkway and seeing you and your mommy standing there.  When you recognized me and smiled, that big goofy smile, that was it; my favorite moment from today.' 

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Too Damn Quiet

Sara and the baby are out of town, and the dog is staying with my father since my work schedule isn't the greatest for a dog left alone.  The apartment is so quiet.  There's no jiggling of a dog's collar.  No squealing baby.  No singing wife!  The silence is making me sad.  I've kept a TV on or played music all day long just to have something else to listen to besides the quiet.