Thursday, July 26, 2012

These Days I Really Enjoy My Weekends!

Weekends!  I get a weekend these days?  It's nice!  After almost a year of working 7 days a week it's nice to consistently get a pair of days off  EVERY WEEK!  I'm not used to it.  
It's not like we're doing incredibly exciting things, or having grand adventures during my days off from work but I am thoroughly enjoying spending time at home with Sara and the Button.  Sometimes it's just nice to unwind on the floor with a rolling baby, walk the dog as a family, or even just sit on the couch and giggle at each other.  My days off are in the middle of the week but you'd better believe I am working for my weekends!

Why A Bullfighting Theme? Why Not?

When I was little we lived in Spain. We would go to bullfights every now and again. I never wanted to be a matador. I admired them. I was dazzled by their flashy outfits and their cape work. Behind it all, though, I think I realized it was all show; a sport of which I didn't really understand the rules. Once my brother convinced my parents into letting him bring home pieces of one of the butchered bulls that we found in a trash can outside of the arena. It was gruesome, it was fascinating, and soon it began to stink.

Posted the above as my profile information on the day I changed the blog's look. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Storm Is A Brewing

Actually the storm is already in full swing outside. 
10 minutes ago a thunderclap, or maybe it was a lightning strike, shook the entire house.  I involuntarily ducked as I walked through my kitchen.  Now the thunder continues to sound, and there's been some pretty spectacular arcs of lightning out in the night sky.  I'm sitting inside listening to the rain drops pound on the AC unit.  I am amazed that the baby is still sleeping and I am pretty sure that the wife is curled up in bed, under the covers and dreading the next thunderclap.
Oh, there she is.  Out of bed and  into the baby's room to check on her.  Apparently, she's still sleeping.  I should go to sleep soon myself, but I love a good thunderstorm. 

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Even Roosters Are Still Asleep: Part V

So it's finally here.  My last 3AM shift... this week.  I was able to get a better night's sleep last night even though we are still without power.  I am so glad to be done with this week!

Monday, July 02, 2012

Roosters Are Still Asleep: Part IV

Miserable night's sleep... up again for my 3 AM shift!  I'll be happy when this week is over!