Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Tale Of 2 Services!

I always remember there being 2 separate services at the church. The early service was always referred to back then - and may still be now - as the 'Folk' service. It was very bohemian; lots of tambourines, clapping and a younger crowd. The late service was called just that and was much more of a solemn, traditional worship with hymns, and the older congregants. My mother used to threaten us with the late service when we were kids. "If you don't get up now we'll miss the 'Folk' service! Then we'll have to go to the late service!" We'd fly out of bed and into our Sunday's Best!
It was just one of those things I remember about the church. 'Folk' service = my friends, upbeat music, and getting out earlier. Late service = old people, hymns, and pipe organ!
Today Sara and I attended the late service because directly after the service a ceremony was to be held in the memorial garden behind the church. There is a brick walkway that is adorned with the names of people who have passed away. Every year there is a dedication ceremony and my mother was among those honored at today's ceremony.
The sun came out, people gathered in the garden and a bell was rung after each name was read aloud. It was tough to be back in that church where I grew up, and later my mother became a valuable part of that 'family'. I haven't been back to the church since her memorial service and many familiar faces greeted us during the service. One woman even said to me, "I miss her everyday." It was a very sweet sentiment but part of me wanted to spitefully respond, "Wow, imagine what we must be feeling." Instead I smiled, thanked the woman, and appreciated the beautiful afternoon that the day had become.
* I almost forgot. As Sara and I were driving to church we stopped at a red light. We were talking about Mom and the church when suddenly a new song came on the radio. The first line was, "Well, I got a gal named Sue..." The 2 of us laughed as Ritchie Valens sang 'That's My Little Suzie' all the way to church.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mr. Marmalade Closing Night!

Last night we had the biggest, and most receptive audience yet. Everyone was very complimentary,and then there's the Baltimore Sun Review! Unfortunately the good word of mouth won't have enough time to germinate into sell out crowds. Tonight is closing night; the two week run has come to an end.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

'Well, I'm Off To Work.'

It's been a few weeks since I've been able to say that! I am starting a part time retail job today. It's not exactly what I was hoping for but they are the first ones to bite at my lure. They've also made it clear that if I were to find something full time, part time, or better paying that they would be willing to work out a schedule with me.

Years ago - check out the beginnings of this blog - I worked for a cooking school. I handled shipping/receiving, assisted with classes and sold kitchenware. I will once again be working in retail, selling cooking and kitchenware for Sur La Table. It's a company I know, name brands I remember and, hopefully, flexible enough to allow for another gig. In the meantime I will keep applying for other jobs.

I miss Ivymount. I miss the students - my kids. I miss SOME of the staff. I miss the security of having a well-paying and rewarding job. I don't miss the commute!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Busy Sunday.

Sara and I got up and met the family for the annual NBOCC Cancer Walk in Quiet Waters Park. I walked the majority of the 3k, I'd say, with my niece on my shoulders. I'm glad I had Savannah to keep me occupied. This was a hard walk to do without Mom. For the past few years we would all get there too early because Mom always had the start time wrong. Whomever was able to do the walk participated and the others would wait by the finish line. Then we would all go out to breakfast.

This year everyone did the walk. My father walked somewhere in the middle, his foot was bothering him, while Reb, the kids and I ventured ahead, and Sara and Robin brought up the rear. After the walk we met for breakfast, and then got together for Bennett's Birthday celebration. 'Scooby Doo' Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cake! It sounds odd but was quite good.

Then I had to run to my matinee performance, which went over well with the small audience. I came home, watched several hours of football, ate a pie that Sara baked, and obsessed about my fantasy stats.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mr. Marmalade Opening Night!

I got punched in the head onstage! A scene came screeching to a halt when someone forgot their line -not me- and then choked on a popcorn kernel! Other than that I think that opening night went pretty well.

The show doesn't come across, apparently, as offensive as it first appears on paper. The audience didn't seem to be overwhelmed with the adult content, dark humor, or even the dreaded 'C' word! Hopefully the word of mouth will be good and we can get some more butts in the seats.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Has It Been 2 Months Already?

I guess it has.

Not a day goes by that I don't miss her, think about her or feel the absence her passing has left in my life. Something will happen, usually family related, and I'll think, "Mom, would think this is funny. Mom would agree with me." I wish I could hit #4 on my speed dial and tell her all about it. The job search is a slow process and I am used to her supportive words whenever I would get discouraged. I miss having her here to bolster me up when I need it.

I sometimes think about that last day in the hospital. That tiny little room, in that ICU ward with the loud nurses, beeping machines and Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' on the wall. I stood with my father, 2 brothers, and Aunt surrounding the hospital bed. I held her hand as she slipped away. For that I will be forever grateful. I was by her side, I kissed her goodbye and watched her breath her last breath.

It seems incredible that she's been gone for only 2 months but at the same time I can't believe that 2 months have passed.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A Family Divided!

It may come to pass...
Family events, gatherings and reunions will become awkward and tense. Seating charts will have to be created. Sides will be chosen! Some will agree. Some won't. Utterances of 'so unfair' and 'check your email' will barely be heard around the Scrabble set. Dirty looks will be volleyed across holiday meals. Other trifling offenses will be blown out of proportion; caught up and mutated in the violent feud that started with a simple misunderstanding. A game of make believe will have shattered the peaceful co-existence of certain sports fans!
One thing is certain. The world of Fantasy Football may never recover!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


I wish I had paid more attention in Math class.
I wish I had a better understanding of financial matters!
I wish we hadn't inadvertently paid over a grand towards our 2009 Estimated Taxes when we thought we were paying off our current tax debt!
I wish my wife hadn't spent over an hour and 1/2 on the phone with the IRS today straightening out the whole mess.
I wish I never heard of, needed, or thought to use TurboTax!