Thursday, March 03, 2011

Opening Night - Sight Unseen

Tonight is opening night for Sight Unseen, my latest theatrical production. I am excited to put this show up in front of an audience. We need the audience.

We've been rehearsing this show since before the New Year - actually, that isn't entirely correct. We originally started out doing another show but then lost the rights - long story - and wound up working on this particular script. As it turns out, we've all... most of us, anyway, seem to have grown really attached to this script, and have put a lot of time and effort into the production.

The show is about a successful artist/painter who has lost his way and is trying to rediscover what made him become an artist in the 1st place. He pays a visit to his ex-girlfriend/muse and her husband in an attempt to get in touch with his past but discovers he cannot go backwards through life. It is a provocative script, a talented group of actors, and a theatre company worth supporting.
Hopefully, all of the hard work and dedication will be rewarded with crowded audiences who appreciate our efforts! Even without that I am glad I took a chance to audition for this theatre company and, in particular, this director. It hasn't turned out the way any of us foresaw but it has been an adventure, and I am proud of the work I've put into the show.

Art with a Capital A has come to the shopping mall generation!

PS. I got into the car this morning to start my commute and the 1st song on the radio is The Animals 'Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood'. A song which I feel is very appropriate for my character in the show. Then 'The Dock Of The Bay' by Otis Redding follows on the radio. A song which instantly makes me miss my mother and think about how proud of me she always was whenever she would come to watch me perform. It was quite the fortuitous beginning of my day.

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