Friday, May 06, 2005

Every cloud has a silver lining.
There's always tomorrow.
Look on the bright side.
When life gives you lemons... make lemonade.
At least you've got your health.

(Yeah, unless my kidneys fail me tomorrow. You know I've been having these pains. Right here. Oh no, that's all I need,a trip to the emergency room. How am I going to pay for that? What if I need to stay overnight? What if it's serious? That would just be the perfect little cherry on top of my crap sundae. What if I didn't have my health? Great now I've got something else to worry about, thank you very much! Why don't you take all your positivity and handy little sayings and cork it?! Let me wallow for awhile? Sometimes it just feels better.)

* Do not be alarmed. My kidneys are fine, knock on wood, I'm just illustrating a point. And no Mom, I don't have health insurance right now, I know.

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