Friday, July 29, 2005

And They Said Romance Was Dead

Did you here about this?

Some Kenyan offered Bill Clinton a dowry of 40 Goats & 20 Cows to wed Chelsea. The man, who's in his thirties, has sworn off all other women, supposedly, until he receives an answer. He first 'proposed' in 2000.

Now I'll be the first to admit that Chelsea Clinton has come along way from that awkward child we all knew from her days in the White House, but come on, that's a lot of livestock to wed a minor celebrity. I wonder what the going rate for a real star would be. How many hogs would I have to throw down to get a shot at, say, Lindsay Lohan? Do you think Tom Cruise payed for his soon to be bride in sheep, or long horn steers?

And to think, I stress out figuring out how I would afford a ring.

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