Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Today I brushed off 2 different one act play scripts. 1 of them I even submitted to a fairly new, local theatre company. The other 1 I will be sending off to a theatre company in VA. Both are completely different premises, writing styles, and lengths but I am extremely proud of the work that I've put into them. I hope that they are well received.

It's occurred to me recently that as I sit around and complain about the lack of momentum in my career, my incomplete scripts, and the fact that I have to wait tables to pay the bills nothing is happening to change my current situation. I haven't actually submitted in quite a while and in the meantime I stew over a rejection that I received months ago. So it looks like it's time I started putting myself out there again and actively seek production/ publication of my work.

I will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the SPIRIT!!!! Keep it up!