Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Nothing seems important... or interesting enough to write about..

This past weekend we took our dog to a BBQ. We had a great time hanging out. The dog decided to follow me on a run to the store even though she wasn't invited. I was a block and a half a way when I heard my name being called by my girlfriend, I turned around and my dog, having escaped from the yard, ran across the street and into my arms. It was a little alarming considering the traffic.

Later that same night, while on a beer run, we bumped into some friends on the corner. As we were saying our Hellos a cabbie ran a stop sign and slammed into an SUV. I saw the whole thing happen. I watched as it all happened and thought to myself, "Is this really happening?" I even said, "Did that just happen?" We all saw it. Thankfully no one was hurt. Oh, and FYI, the SUV spun around and hit a fire hydrant! Nothing happened. The Tailgate got a little dinged up, but no geyser of water, not even a little spurt. That kid in me, raised on action sequences and car chases was extremely disappointed.

Had a good day yesterday. Had a good day today. I've been off. The weather's been nice. Saw a movie. Ate outside with the dog. Relaxed. Even tried to get back into a book I'm reading.

I'm distracted. Maybe I'm even pouting... a bit.

I realized today that I am doing a really bad job of being patient. I have these scripts out in the world; submissions. I'm waiting to hear whether or not they will be produced. I have other scripts I can work on. I'm submitting more scripts this week, or maybe next, but I'm obsessed with hearing back about the projects I have out there. I hate waiting. It's the worst part. It muddies everything else up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let the mud settle....and the mud will settle.