Thursday, January 24, 2008

What Area Code Is (202)?

So last week I received a text message that read, "I Love You."

I did not recognize the number. Since the only person who regularly texts me that message is my wife I responded, "Thanks. Who's This?"

No reply.

Flash forward - Yesterday on my commute home I get a text from the same number.

"Can we talk later?"

I reply, "Who is this? Think you have wrong #."

*Duplicate* "Can we talk later?"

"WHO ARE YOU," I text getting more annoyed with my mysterious admirer

The answer comes back, "So its like that cindy."

"Wrong Number!" If I hadn't been on the Beltway I would've sent off a pic message of myself asking who the hell Cindy was. Luckily, the anonymous texter must've finally realized his error.

In a completely unrelated text message story... once my brother sent me an semi-erotic text meant for his wife. That one still makes me chuckle.

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