Saturday, June 04, 2011

Snatching Opportunities From The Passing Days!

The actual quote from Horace is, "Let us my friends snatch our opportunity from the passing day."

Without revealing too much at this point I would like to say that I have recently snatched an opportunity which will hopefully make life a little more pleasant these days. I have accepted a job, similar to my current job, at a school, similar to my current school, but instead of commuting all the way around the Beltway to Rockville it is here in Annapolis! That means no more nightmare commutes, and spending 3 to 4 hours a day in my car just getting to and from work! I will now be able to get to work in less that 20 minutes, and, hopefully, I will be able to cut way down on fuel costs! I will be starting at the end of June and am looking forward to this new adventure, and appreciative of the potential changes for the better.

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