Thursday, June 09, 2011

On The Road Again!

Sara and I will be hitting the road once more heading back down to North Carolina for the weekend. This time we'll be on the Eastern side attending a Cobb family reunion with our nearest and dearest! Road tripping down with my little brother and his wife, to join the rest of my family. First I must get through a Friday work day before leaving for our trip.

Speaking of work, I've started counting down the commutes I have left at my current job. Tomorrow morning will mark Number 11! I am not counting the afternoon drive because we're not coming home - don't misunderstand, tomorrow's afternoon rush hour will probably still be torturous but we'll be heading in the opposite direction. Then next week I have 5 more work days which equals 10 more rush hour commutes before I bid farewell to Beltway driving! I cannot wait!

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