Monday, September 01, 2008

Sick Puppy

So, it's close to 5:30 AM and I've been up half the night with a sick dog and a worried wife. A call to the emergency vet hotline - my wife's idea - has led to the hopeful hypothesis that Tootsie has a bad case of indigestion. We were down at the parents house yesterday and she often is spoiled with people food when we go there. Her sensitive tummy isn't doing well with yesterday's BBQ.

She's been restless. Whining. She just can't get comfortable. The two walks around the neighborhood haven't been very 'productive', if you know what I mean. She's not vomiting. She doesn't have diarrhea.


Of course after the last few hours I'd almost prefer a spotted carpet to having to stay up all night long, watching her be so uncomfortable.

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