Monday, July 07, 2008

Boob Tube

One of the perks about having this time off lately is that I have managed to catch some films on cable, or dvd that I haven't seen in years, or missed when they were in the theaters. More than one morning has passed when I get up, make a cup of coffee with every intention of working on a script or reading a book but then the remote control calls me. I switch on the Boob Tube to see what's playing and WHAM! I get sucked into a movie and... can't... look... away!

This morning it was Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing. In general, I don't always like Spike Lee Joints, but there have been exceptions in the past. His films always have a great cast of memorable characters, more often than not, portrayed by exceptional actors. This film included such gems as Mookie, Radio Raheem, Buggin' Out, Da Mayor, and Sweet Dick Willie!So I spent my morning sipping coffee, and bearing witness to great racial conflict all the while craving N.Y style pizza from 'Famous Sal's'!

Radio Raheem says, "FIGHT THE POWER!"

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