Thursday, March 20, 2008


I'm not kidding. Father Time must've stroked out and left his hourglass set on slow motion. I've aged 5 years in the last 4 days! Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

My first class on Monday morning flooded into the room, fell into their seats and then energetically exclaimed, "Mr. Cobb, Spring Break Starts Friday!" I knew it was going to be a long week.

Tomorrow is Good Friday. Good Friday as in, 'GOOD, it's finally Friday! I can get on the plane and finally go on my Honeymoon! GOOD, school is finally out and I can take my wife to San Francisco and we can have a wonderful time! GOOD GAWD, I thought Friday would never get here!"

Of course we still have to clean up the apartment, drop the Toooter off at my folks', dye Sara's hair, do some laundry, pack our bags and get up at the butt crack of dawn before we board our plane to the West Coast!

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