Thursday, August 04, 2011

Good Question

"Enjoying your vacation?" he asked.

"It's okay," I replied, "I'm starting a new job tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll get a few shifts next week."

"Well, how are you gonna do that when you have the other job?"

"I'll work at the school during the day and then the 2nd job will be more in the evenings and weekends," I explained.

He shook his head and looked down at the wet pavement. "I guess you have to do what it takes."

Yes, I do. So I will be starting job #2 tomorrow. It will be part time and, hopefully, be flexible enough to work around job #1. Unfortunately, neither job pays particularly well so at this stage in the game I need them both. I'm excited though. This new job is a company that my wife and I both support, it seems like a good place to work, and it's right around the corner. We'll see how it all works out, especially when I start taking classes in the fall.

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