Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Over 1/2 Way Through The Winter Break!

... And it occurs to me that so far I have not been as productive with my free time as perhaps I should've been. It is a vacation, after all, but I am starting to feel like a bum. Perhaps I should review some of my writings - it's been awhile since I've written anything and I still have numerous projects waiting to be completed. I promised I'd straighten the house some when I get the chance... it'll happen eventually. I have spent my time watching a few movies, finishing The Dispossessed, starting Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, and sitting around on my couch. I have also been working on memorizing lines for my next show which will start rehearsals in January.

Oh, and we bought a car! We finally bit the bullet and traded in Sara's clunker, and purchased a used KIA Rio5. It's a sporty little blue number and so far we really enjoy it. We'll see how we feel once the payments start, but I will no longer worry, every time the phone rings, that Sara is calling me from the side of the road, stranded as her car is engulfed in flames. A little peace of minds is nice.

1 comment:

linda said...

Peace of mind here in MN also. Thank you.