Sunday, June 08, 2008

Is Earth Day Considered A Holiday?

It better be because this past Saturday I, once again, teamed up with my buddy Dean to work on a short film, this time for the Baltimore 48 Hour Film Festival. The randomly selected genre was a Holiday Film, and Dean had an idea which revolved around the environment, and a wasteful person who needs to be taught a lesson on Earth Day. So we braved the scorching heat, the dehydration, and possible sunburn to film this past Saturday.

It was a blast - HOT as all HELL but fun! Hopefully he'll be able to edit out all of my sweat stains in post-production. The coolest sequence to film was the driving scene, in which I tooled around the neighborhood in a borrowed Mercedes convertible. The footage looked great and you couldn't tell that my swamp ass was destroying the leather seats!

The screening is next week and while we're not eligible for judging due to a missed deadline - accidents happen - I am excited to see it up on the big screen.

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