Thursday, February 08, 2007

In Over My Head?

Maybe I was spoiled. Maybe I didn't realize how good I really had. It's possible that I didn't appreciate things to the fullest.

Waiting tables. Serving cocktails. Shipping & Receiving boxes of 'product'. Various other odd jobs over the years that didn't really amount to much. I worked my shifts then went home without a care in the world. There were no consequences. If I messed up - well, I didn't really sweat it.

Oops, I messed up your order! You said medium-rare not medium! I Am So Sorry!

Oops, I thought you said Miller Lite!

Oops, I must have forgotten to order your dessert .This one's on me!

Oh, to go back in time and have a job where the worst that could happen is you upset some poor yuppie who asked for a 'half-decaf, half skim, room-temperature latte with a couple shots of cinnamon syrup, and a dab of foam... I said dab! It is so hard to find good help these days!'.

As it stands, I have been at my job for 3 months and I am swamped with paperwork, taking classes to get certified, and am responsible for deciding upon and implementing the educational objectives for four young men whom I hardly know. I will decide their next year of instruction. Me. This guy right here. Oh, did I mention this is my first time teaching?

I'm still getting used to the work hours! Cut me some slack!

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