Friday, March 01, 2013

It's A Sign

Yesterday I left work and met Evie Sue at Sara's work for a free play session.  Evie Sue wore me out; of course, I had been up since 2:15 that morning.  Anyway, Evie Sue and all the other kids were running around the gym, bouncing on trampolines, rolling on mats, and having a blast.  Suddenly, Evie Sue spotted a young baby asleep in his seat.  She pointed to the child, folded her arms in front of her and rocked her arms as if cradling a baby.  That's the sign language for BABY!  Pretty awesome, right. 

We watch these sign language videos, and try to use some signs at home but I often wonder if it's sinking in.  Then she spontaneously signs BABY.  She also independently signs MORE, MILK, BALL, DOG, and has been know to hold her thumb to her forehead in an effort to say DADDY!  As you may be able to tell I am proud of her. 

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