Thursday, May 10, 2012

Unexpected Bits Of Wisdom? Aisle 5

I was rocking out to the Rolling Stones at work last night.  We were stocking the grocery aisle when I serenaded a coworker.  'And I try... and I try... and I try... I really try, coworker.'
A customer looks up at me and seemingly smiles at my silliness.  Then he pulls a ball point pen out of his pocket, approaches me in a very serious manner, and places the pen on a shelf.  'Do me a favor,' he starts, 'try and pick that up.'
I do.
He says, ' No, I said TRY and pick that up.'
A little confused I drop the pen and then immediately pick it back up.  I look at him and he smirks.  I drop the pen again.  I start to try again and then I stop... 'Wait.  What?'
'Try and pick it up.'
'I did.  I picked it up.  It's only a pen.  If I try I'm pretty sure I can pick it up... every time,' I explain.
He nods and says, 'Exactly.  Trying isn't about success or failure.  It's a state of mind.  Don't try.  Do.  It's a process and result.  If you don't get the result you want then you tweak the process and try again.'
I thanked the grocery store Yoda, and went about my business.  I kept revisiting his words all night long and  couldn't help but thinking about his theory that it's all a process and result... Hm, who knew a little 'Satisfaction', some dry goods, and your local neighborhood grocery store could be so enlightening?

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