Saturday, August 09, 2008

Beijing - DAY 1

I realize that the post below may come across a little anti-Olympics. On the contrary, I love the Olympics! Nations of the world unite to compete in friendly contests of athleticism, and display their patriotism for everyone to see.

I admit that I was overwhelmed by the scope of the pageantry of the Opening Ceremony. It was incredible - and long. I have decided though that from henceforth I will try to be as positive and supportive of 2008 Summer Games.

So far the USA has already won a Gold, Silver & Bronze medal in Women's Fencing and there's only been 1 fatal stabbing of a US citizen; by a Chinese man who then threw himself out the window to his own death. One day into the Olympics and 2 men are dead (The attacker and the relative of the volleyball coach.), and 2 men are wounded (The Chinese translator and the other American citizen; both stabbed in the attack.).

Ladies & Gentlemen... The World In Which We Live!

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