Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hospitalization & Infestation

So I was in the ER last night until after 5 am. There was a 4 hour wait to see a doctor. As I was waiting for my Xrays to come back this old lady woke up from her drug-induced sleep and started singing 'He's Got The Whole World In His Hands' as only a toothless, senile old vodoo priestess can. Then she'd scream at the ER nurses, and call them all demons. Shriek! Shriek! Shriek!

I was there because I knee-capped myself at work. No big deal. Nothing too severe. No fractures, or anything. A severe'contusion'. (I've got a really bad boo boo.) A few hours after the accident I couldn't bend my knee at all. I'm not in excruciating pain, I just can't bend my leg. Even now everything is tight and swollen. So I'm on crutches for a few days, and staying off of my feet.


From some reason flies are attacking my kitchen. It's amazing. I don't think I've ever seen this many flies without large amounts of dung thrown into the mix. The kitchen's fairly clean, but they come in off of the back porch, which leads to the dumpsters. I've noticed that the flies have increased as the temperatures have risen. So here I am sweating and hopping around the kitchen on my one good leg with a crutch and a roled up Reader. I killed so many flies that I had to sweep. No kidding.

Whataday? Whataday?

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