Saturday, August 27, 2005

Corona Means Crown, Right?

Tonight after work I went for a beer with some folks from work. (As I said before in the restaurant industry it happens all the time.) Anyway I find my self sitting next to a fairly new busboy, an older gentleman named Gustabo. Nice enough chap, anyway I make the msitake of asking him where he is from and I get a whole diatribe about French colonies in Mexico, Cinco De Mayo and European kings.

He then turns to me and asks, "And you?"

I reply, "I'm from Maryland. The Baltimore/Washington Metropolitan Area."

This really excites Gustabo who, with his amazingly thick accent says, "Ahhhhh, Maryland. Thats where Albapreswweigh is from, no?"

Without flinching I say, "I'm not sure"

He repeats, "Albapesweigh. You know who is Albapreswigh?"

I use the bars volume level as an excuse for missing the exact name. "Who?"

"Albapressweigh. Rock and Roll? Alba - do you understand my english - Albapressweigh."

"I'm sorry I can't really hear you," I explain, "It sounded like you said Elvis Presley."

"Yes, Albapresswweigh. That is who I said."

"Oh, no I'm pretty sure he's from Tennessee, Alabama, something like that," I offer.

Gustabo is confused. "I thought it was Marlyand."

"Maybe you're thinking of Graceland."

"Perhaps. I need a beer."

So I bought him a beer, because that is what the King would've wanted.

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