Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Shit You Not!

I heard 2 bits of radio news during my morning commute. Maybe this will prove educational and amusing.

The 1st being that this Saturday, 2/12/11, there are plans to stage a 'Nurse In' at Washington DC's Hirschhorn Museum. The protest is in response to a mother being asked to breastfeed her infant in the restroom, and thus having her rights violated, and DC’s 'Child’s Right to Nurse' Law disregarded. The participants have been dubbed 'LACTIVISTS'! Really!

Also, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the town is having a new government building constructed. The mayor decided to hold an online contest to name the building. The front runner in the contest is the name of a former Fort Wayne Mayor: MR. HARRY BAALS! Really!

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