Friday, January 22, 2010

Sometimes All You Can Do is Laugh.

I have 3 part time jobs at the present moment. 2 of the jobs aren't paying very well. The 3rd job, a substitute teaching position, pays a little more but is based on how much I am needed to fill in for others - so far I have not been needed.

So here I am, home early from a friday night at the restaurant where we had two major mishaps, prompting an appearance by the fire department, and less money than I was hoping to pull in during the shift. I am beginning to wonder if in a previous life I perhaps amassed a huge fortune, swam in my money vaults ala Scrooge McDuck, and horribly offended fate.

If it weren't for the savings account, which a generous contribution from my parents created in the first place, I would have to go begging for money from my father every month when the rent is due. I am backsliding further and further into debt as I continue to struggle against wave after wave what can only be described as a 'Enormous Shit Streak Of Luck'. I'm suffocating in pitfall of helplessness as I try and try to correct our errors, fix our situation, - right our course.

This bad money karma is killing me.

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