Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Few Random Thoughts

Rejection Letters are better than looking up the Theatre Company's Website and seeing a list of accepted plays to be performed and realizing that yours isn't included. It might be a little more work but I don't think it's an unreasonable request to actually inform people that you will not be producing their work. Some theatre companies are courteous enough to reject you in written form. I wish everyone was so considerate.

Saw a trendy midget on the CTA today. He had designer jeans, a blazer, stubble, fancy sunglasses, and a Faux-Hawk. I couldn't tear my eyes away. A Faux-Hawk? Why is Bed-Head a fashion statement? Midget... Right. Now for those of you that know me, it's pretty obvious I've always had a strange facination with little people. As a child I was very short; often the shortest person in my class, age group, and/or circle of friends. More than once I asked God if he would just make me a little person. Then I'd pray for a girlfriend. A nintendo game. I also prayed for 'Peace In The Middle East'. I found a way to get the nintendo game. I eventually charmed a few ladies. Unfortunately the whole midget/dwarf thing was as about as reliable as the 'Middle East' prayer. I'm not sure why I wanted to be a little person. Maybe I figured if I was going to be small I might as well be really small and stand out... I bet that's it. I wanted to be different and at the time I hoped my stature would set me apart. Now, many years later, I'm still striving to be noticed, appreciated, remembered, what have you but I hope someday it'll be my accomplishments, and failures that people remember, not my love of midgets.

I find that when I usually complain about being fat, out of shape, broke, and generally clueless in today's society I usually am sitting on my couch drinking a beer and watching Maury. That's not gonna get the job done, my friends.

I need a new joke. Something fresh. Not fresh like early 90's fresh, but new and exciting. I'm told that I'm a funny guy but I feel like I never have a good joke when one would be most useful. I'd love to find a new joke.

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