Friday, June 07, 2013

Not The Most Productive of Days

So today turned out a little differently than I originally planned.  I took Evie to daycare so that I could get some errands run and spend some downtime maybe reading a book, cleaning the house or any other number of things.  Sara is in NJ for job training.  Anyway, I made an appointment to drop the car off for an oil change at our mechanic.  Stupidly, I answered, "I don't need it right away," to the clerk's question. 

5 and a 1/2 hours later I was walking back along West street in the rain.  Again, in the rain.  It has rained all day long thanks to Tropical Storm Andrea.  Half my day I wasted waiting for the oil to get changed.  All of my plans went down the crapper.

Instead, I headed to Target and bought a $1 poncho.  The thing about $1 ponchos is that they suck!  The hood kept blowing off, water ran off and soaked my jeans and the poncho kept sticking to my wet clothes.  I killed some time in Whole Foods, drinking coffee, charging my phone, and trying to read my book.  I didn't get very far into the book.  I went to Union Jack's British Pub for lunch.  (Actually, that part of the day was pretty good.)  Then I decided to walk, in the rain down West Street, to Davidus Cigars and maybe relax for awhile and smoke a cigar.  As soon as I sat down and lit my stogie the mechanic called to tell me my car would be ready soon.  I played on my smartphone instead of reading, finished my cigar, and watched some Sportscenter.  Then I walked all the way back down West Street - not far in actuality but an immeasurable distance in the rain with a $1 poncho.

After I finally picked up my car I wrestled with traffic to get to daycare and pick up Evie Sue, and then fight the stream of brake lights, and bad drivers to get home.  Now here we are.  I have showered, cooked dinner, and am hoping to get the baby down for bed soon.  I wish my day had gone a little smoother but I guess it could always have been worse.

The rain just kept coming as I spent my day walking up and down West Street.

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