Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nightlights Vs Glow Sticks

Last night Super Storm Sandy or Hurricane Sandy or Tropical Storm Sandy, depending on what news broadcast you watched pounded into the East Coast!  Maryland was prepared for the worst and, luckily, things turned out much better than we hoped.  Yesterday was windy, and rainy but the majority of the damage and devastation was further to the north in New Jersey and New York. 

Before the storm we extended an offer to my father to come and stay with us through the storm; he lives right on the Chesapeake Bay and is prone to flooding while we live on higher ground in a wooded neighborhood that suffers from power outage epidemics.  Who has it worse?  Anyway, he came to ride out the storm here in Annapolis and we kept power until the very moment we sat down to eat a hot dinner.  10 minutes earlier and we would've been eating some seriously al dente spaghetti.  

We broke out the lanterns, candles, and a few glow sticks and spent a powerless night listening to the storm rage outside the apartment, huddled around the  radio broadcasts from a hand-cranked radio.  Sitting in the dark there isn't much to do but chat, drink and wait for a tree to come crashing down through the roof.  This wasn't the first Hurricane we rode out in our apartment but this was the first as parents and we were more concerned for all of our safety than I remember us being before.  At Sara's suggestion I spent the night sleeping in a  recliner in the baby's room to be close to her in case something unexpected happened.  It would help both of us sleep better.

It occurred to me last night, falling asleep in Evie Sue's room, and bathed in only the soft pink light from a Dollar Store glow stick that while glow sticks can be silly, and fun nightlights are dependable and comforting.  Nothing happened during the night except the storm passing by and the temperature in our apartment dropping uncomfortably but I was there in the room early this morning as Evie Sue awoke in a room lit only with a pink glow stick instead of her butterfly nightlight.    The glow stick was a fine temporary nightlight but I was happy this afternoon when the power came back on and Evie Sue's butterfly nightlight started to shine!  It meant the storm had passed and everything was fine.

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