Thursday, October 27, 2005

I don't get it...

The White Sox won the World Series... Great! Good for the White Sox! For those of you that don't live in Chicago, I doubt that you have been as over-saturated with Sox Propaganda as us. It's been ridiculous. Every news broadcast has been the same. They start out with a ten minute barrage of stories relating to baseball, the Sox, or the World Series. They talk about curses, sweeps, fans, celebration, the works! Then it comes...

In Other News...

The missing ISU student is still missing. Hurricane Wilma slams across Florida leaving 10 dead, and thousands reeling from her devastating impact. Saddam Hussein's on trial for war crimes. Up later, our 5 day forecast. Will the Sox get a surprise from Mother Nature? Now, let's go live to Chett Childers on the city's SouthSide for a report on White Sox T Shirt sales that should prove to be extremely time consuming, and irrelevant.

No joke. Chicago has become the place where news reports come to die and be replaced by promo shots of 'Life Long Socks' fans talking about brooms! Hopefully, all the ruckus will die down soon, and I'll be able to tune into a news broadcast and actually hear some news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, in all that news, it's nice to focus on something remember that there is, in fact, good to focus on...