Calm down, it's only been two days.
Yeah, but I've been putting applications out, and faxing resumes for a couple of weeks now. True, I've had two interviews.
The 1st one ignored my experience, work history, loyalty, and willingness to learn and only focused on what I didn't have... breasts! Seriously, the guy gave a 25 minute interview to the hot blonde before me, who was younger, less experienced and had scheduling conflicts. She got a rundown on the restaurant's concept, a brief summary of his qualifications, and work history, not to mention a five minute spiel on the wine list. He talked so much when he stepped away from the table she turned to me and asked me, "Is he talking a lot? I feel like I haven't said a word." Me? I got, "Tell me about your last job. Do you have any wine experience? I'll call you later to set up a second interview." I'm still waiting and he doesn't return my calls... not that he'd be the best boss.
My 2nd interview, which I had today because my baby brother talked to someone at his work, was less discouraging. I don't have fine dining experience and most places that have fine dining require fine dining experience and won't hire you without the fine dining experience that no one will hire you without. Anyway, we agreed on my lack of fine dining experience but agreed on my abundance of other experience, and my willingness to learn. I, supposedly, have a second interview to be scheduled for the beginning of the week, then possibly start of training as a lunch server, since lunches are apparently less formal and fine than dinners. I'll wait and see. Of course if this job works out I may owe my little brother a favor.
The frustrating thing is that noone is ever in as big a hurry to hire me as I am to be hired! Put me in training. Great! Get me on the schedule. Outstanding! Hire me on a trial basis. Hooray! I don't care! I will make it work. Just don't tell me to check back in a few weeks. No, I need a job now.
My bills are overdue!
I have a future to think about!
I'd love to start one of those saving account thingamabobbers I hear grown ups talk about!
Come on, Lady Luck, throw me a bone.
The worse part is I get the feeling that the job I worked for nearly five years is hurting my chances of getting hired. I can't be sure. It's happened before when I've applied for jobs in the restaurant industry. People see the name of my former employer, and due to popular misconceptions assume that I didn't really work hard, or didn't get the proper training to be a good server/bartender. It wasn't a 'Here's your menu. How would you like your burger cooked?', full service restaurant so I must be a sub-par worker. In five years I was a server, bartender, trainer, and shift supervisor. I was flown to other states to train staff for the restaurant. I was always asked to join the opening crews for new locations. I was offered, on numerous occasions, management level positions which I declined in favor of earning tips; more money/less B.S! I busted my ass for that company before getting terminated for a gross misunderstanding, and now their name on my resume has interviewers shaking their head before the first question is asked. What can I do? Without listing them on my resume I have a 5 year gap in my employment history, not counting various other odd jobs, summer employment and false starts I may have had.
I guess it doesn't matter. When an opportunity presents itself I'll seize it and make the most of it... until a better opportunity presents itself and then I'll jump on that train.
DQ don't serve wine.
DQ don't care if you don't have fine dining experience.
DQ cares if you can scoop nuts into a cup (outside of Spin on a Saturday night) and pull on a lever to make the white stuff come out (again, away from Spin).
Something to think about, Jacko.
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- Mark Twain
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