Anyway, I'm talking about my last day of work at my current job. Today! I don't exactly have a plan right now. I put in my notice three weeks ago, and even stayed on an extra week because I hadn't gotten any responses. I've put out mucho applications! I've been combing through the classifieds every week, and Craig's List. I even had an interview with a job earlier this week on my lunch break (supposedly a follow up interview is in the works) but still had to miss some work... and there's the problem.
I work 9:30 to 5:30 M-F. Most restaurants, bars, etc, ask that applications be turned in between 2-4, M-F. I work. That is also the time that they interview applicants; I'm at work. You see the dilemma? Finding another job becomes exponentially harder when I'm currently slaving away at my low-paying job.
So I am prepared to start not working, have my second interview that has yet to be scheduled, and hit the pavement with renewed vigor, and a growing sense of desperation. I've resigned. I'm searching for a new job and as of Tuesday I am unemployed. Again.
(Yes, I know the DQ is looking for help, PM.)
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