Friday, July 15, 2005


Being unemployed I have developed a bad habit. I've started watching Maury! Do you remember when Maury Povich was a reputable journalist? Anyway, I can't get enough of DNA Paternity tests. It's amazing.
"Kim, we are here for the fifth time. You want to know for sure who the father of you baby is. We've already tested 12 men. Today we are going to test three more and hope that one of these men is the father, but I doubt it."

Today, I watched a 'guest update' show and saw the most disturbing thing ever. This 'little girl', and I use the term loosely, was 4 years old and weighed over 200lbs! 200lbs! 4 Years old! It was hard to even watch her walk. She got winded sitting down. Her mom was extremely worried about her daughter's weight. Understandable, I'm freaking out about it! But the worse part was she appeared like five different times on the Maury show. She came back after gaining 30 lbs. She returned after dropping 8lbs. Now, maybe I'm way off base here but appearing on television because you're concerned about your obese child and want to find some help for her is one thing. Repeatedly getting free airline tickets, and going to New York to appear on television so Maury can hug your daughter and get better ratings seems like it's bordering on exploitation. It's disturbing!

"Hey, look honey, Maury's got on the fat girl again! Let's order a couple pizzas! Good Lord, she's got mor chins than China!"

Now, I don't have a child, yet, and I'm sure I'll love my kids no matter what but before taking my chubby child on trash televison, I think I'd make him/her eat a salad once in a while. Put a lock on the fridge! Stop buying doritos in bulk and visit the produce section of the grocery store. Take away the TV remote so they'd have to get off the couch to change the channel.

I once worked in a summer camp and we had a 6 year old boy who weighed in at 130lbs. He was a tub of goo. All the other kids talked about him, and all of the adults secretly made fun of him. One time we were rough-housing and he went to jump on me, but a little girl got in the way and he had to pull back so he wouldn't hurt her. He crapped his pants! The strain of stopping his momentum was to much for his body to take and he squeezed out a turd on accident. Once I stopped laughing my ass off, I realized how sad it really was. I've never forgotten the look on his face. I'm glad I never saw him on Ricki Lake!

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