Thursday, April 27, 2006

My Work Ethic!

I'm a team player!

If the reasons for big changes in my work routine are explained to me, I usually concede.

I don't make enough money for anyone to raise their voice at me. Anyone! (I'll spit on you!)

While I'm not doing what I hope to be doing, and I work every shift just to get to the point when I can get out of the restaurant business I try to make the most out of the situation.

Since I work for tips and my hourly wage is far below minimum wage I will never ever ever ever ever ever have problem walking up to my boss and saying, "Hey boss, someone left their shit-stained underwear downstairs crumbled up behind the toilet. You don't pay me enough to clean it up but since you're salary... knock yourself out."

Isn't life grand?

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