Friday, April 07, 2006

Mas Divertido En Ingles... O Espanol?

* Funnier In English or Spanish?

The following conversation is translated from spanish. Two of my co-workers, Mexican Prep-Cooks, Jorge, the short bearded one, fills out the date labels for a few trays of recently prepped tapas, as Pepe, the jolly, portions out roasted peppers.

Jorge - 4/06/06. He he. Hey look. If it was June it would be 06/06/06. Cause June is the sixth month, right?

Pepe - June is, yeah.

Jorge - 06/06/06? Get it? 6 6 6! That's the Devil's Number!

Pepe - Man, that's so cool!

Both Mexicans start giggling to the point where I start to suspect they might be high. I picked up my coffee and walked back to the bar shaking my head.

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