So I got up early today and rode the train downtown, accompanying my fabulous girlfriend to work part way, because I wanted to stop by this book store I love. Well, the store was closed. Apparently the hours of operation I'd gotten off the internet were wrong. So I wandered around for an hour then headed back.
They didn't have the book I wanted; the second in a five book series which I've decided to read consecutively. I can't find it used anywhere and might have to just suck it up and buy it new. Anyway, I browse the store for almost an hour, reading book jackets, selecting one or two only two return them minutes later, and before I know it an hour has past and I decide that maybe I should just go home and start 1 of the 8 books that are on my 'Books I Have To Read... Eventually' List. Great, case closed!
A chance sideways glance as I'm exiting the store leads me to a stack of pamphlets advertising a writing contest: 3-Day Novel Contest. In a nutshell, the writer has 72 hours to write a novel of any possible length. The honor system is in full effect and the grand prize is publication of said novel. (For more information go to ) The only problem is the deadline for entry is this Friday and the contest starts at 12:01 AM Saturday. I also work Saturday Morning and Sunday Night, sucking at least 12 hours out of my possible 72 hour allotment. Hmmm, should I attempt it anyway? I do like working with a deadline. All my other writing projects are currently beating their collective heads against a brick wall the size of Kirstie Alley's butt! This might be a fun little exercise. This might get the old creative juices flowing. Hey, maybe I'll even get a novel out of it that I can use to brag to my friends, "Yeah, I wrote a novel. I might even get it published someday.". I've even got a premise that I could write about.
You mean you're thinking of NOT doing it? Duh!!!!
Go 4 it.
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