Thursday, August 11, 2005

$2 Martinis And A Jerk Named Charlie.

So last night we decided to meet up at a local Italian restaurant and take advantage of their Wednesday Night/Two Dollar Martinis. The resident stud bartender was working, but he was being followed by a cutie-pie, recent hire. I've been in the restaurant business long enough to recognize a trainee when I see one.

Anyway, we were sipping on our third round and waiting on our entree when the owner, Charlie,(Charlie had pulled up earlier with his young daughter and her friends in tow. He set them up in a corner booth and made sure they were pampered all night.) starts chatting up the new hottie. He tries to show his knowledge on all things by reciting her schedule from memory, and he was wrong on almost every day. He ask her what her availability is, and apparently his recollection of the interview process wasn't too accurate either. He thought he was hiring a bartender who could work whatever shifts he needed, when, in actuality, he'd hired a real estate agent who was just looking for a few shifts a week. Charlie was not happy, and he let the bartender know as much.

Not My Business!

I'm a paying customer, a client, a guest, what have you, I do not want to have my dining experience tainted by a confrontation between a boss and his staff. Don't talk down to your employee in front of a couple who's just trying to enjoy a few martinis at the bar. We could hear every word. We could see the embarrassment in the bartender's face. It was her second day and already the boss comes close to making her cry? In front of her guests? What a prick? Take it to the back office. Discuss it after the shift.

I was tempted to say something to Charlie but I was sure it would only make the situation more awkward for the new bartender. Bosses like that really get to me. So disrespectful. I'm sure he thinks he's a cool boss, everybody's buddy, and he may be normally, but the guy I saw arguing with his staff in the middle of the shift is no one I'd want to work for. Oh, but I did hear him make a "Charlie's Angels' reference to a few of his waitresses, and it was pretty sleazy.

Maybe we won't frequent that restaurant anymore... well, not as much... maybe only on $2 Martini nights! What can I say? After a few martinis I'm a little more forgiving. Aren't we all?

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