Sunday, January 24, 2016

2016! Let's Do It!

It's a New Year!  Happy 2016!  Let's see where the year takes us.  I'm not going to post every month.  I'm just gonna write when I have time to write; when I feel like writing.  If I go months with no update then so be it.  If I am stricken by a feverish burst of writing then I'll post more often.  We'll have to wait and see.

This year we rang in the New Year with Sara's brother and his family.  They're renting a house north of us on Big Carnelian Lake and we spent the evening playing games, and enjoying some local beers.  The lake is beautiful and I even got the chance to visit a week or so later and go ice fishing for the 1st time ever! 
It wasn't a successful trip, meaning we didn't catch anything, but, in -9 degree weather, we drilled holes in 8" ice, set up a tent & heater, cracked open a few beers, dropped our hooks into the water, tore it all down and got inside by kick off for the Vikings play off appearance.  Pretty good day.

The new car.
The big news of the year, so far, is that we finally bought a car; a minivan if we're being specific.  After several set backs, and frustrating weeks of existing as a single car family we bit the bullet and committed to a 2003 Pontiac Montana.  It's been fairly well taken care of by the retired couple from whom we purchased the vehicle.  After coming through Craigslist and trying to look at/test drive multiple cars of varying quality I decided that the van appeared to be the most safe and reliable car in our price range.  Over the past few months I've seen a few beaters that I would not feel comfortable putting my kids in.  We shall have to see how it all pans out.  Will the Cobb Family's bad 'Carma' rear its ugly head again or will the van prove to be a wise choice?  

Winter creeps along and the snow stays on the ground.  We haven't had much but a recent string of -0 degree days was rough on cars and kids alike.  The baby is still not sleeping through the night and she's nearly 10 months old.  Evie Sue is loving her preschool program but needs another outlet for her limitless energy.  Plans for swim lessons and dance class have recently fallen through but we're hopeful for the next session of classes.  Soon I'd like to get her involved in a team sport, as well.  I'm currently reading 109 East Palace:Robert Oppenheimer and the Secret City of Los Alamos.  It's a pretty interesting book about a fascinating time in American History.  I also just saw the new Star Wars film and I have mixed feelings about it but that could be a whole other post... 

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