There have been many many changes, indeed!
For instance, we are no longer living in the same apartment. (You probably already knew that since you know me, or I assume you know me since you're reading my blog and only acquaintances seem to read it.) At the beginning of October we were suddenly given 30 days notice by our landlords of over 6 years. They decided to try and sell the building and needed us out so they could renovate. That sucked! We lived in that apartment for several years, and out of nowhere we were forced to find a new place to live and move in under a month! We did it, however, and are now residing in a 2 bedroom apartment in a complex in Glen Burnie. We traded the isolated duplex and the scenic beauty of Epping Forest for a multiple building apartment complex off of RT 97. This will be temporary. Of course that's what we said about the last place.
I have a new to me car, a 2006 Ford Taurus, that I bought from an acquaintance and it promptly broke down and left me stranded on the side of 695 2 weeks after getting it. The Blue Demon is dead and the Raffleloff is continuing our streak of problematic automobiles - in all fairness the Blue Demon was a pretty reliable car until I ran it into another car.
It's to the point where people are actually laughing at my luck or saying things like, "Wow, I feel like you've taken a few fastballs to the gut lately", or "It's almost like a cosmic joke." To illustrate their point of view I'll list a few other bad luck occurrences: I had an infected cyst on my shoulder, had to have that drained twice - the 2nd time because there were actually 2 cysts side by side - and this past week, while moving my derelict motorcycle from the old apartment to Adam's garage, I severely bruised my calf muscle and had to limp around for several days in pretty significant discomfort. Yes, I got into a motorcycle accident with a bike that doesn't even run. A coworker just started laughing when he saw my limp, and said, "What now?"
So new car... new apartment.
Guess those are the 2 biggest changes in our life right now. Pretty
significant things though, and they happened right on top of each
other. Plus the cysts, and the leg.. some sunshine has to shine through eventually.
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