Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Crooked Cucumber says,

"As long as you depend on something special, something it is assumed you should depend on, you are not strong enough to go on by yourself.  You cannot find your way.  So first of all, know yourself and be strong enough to live without any sign, without any information - that is the most important point.  There is truth, you say, but there can be various truths.  The question is not which way you should go.  If you only try to go in one direction, or if you always depend on signs, you will not find your own way.  The best thing is to have eyes to read various signs."
                                                                       -Shunryu Suzuki

Recently, I have been reading a book entitled: Crooked Cucumber:  The Life and Zen Teachings of Shunryu Suzuki.  The passage above really resonated with me.

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