Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Tired Future

I think I have some long days and nights ahead of me. Everyone says when you have a baby kiss a full night's sleep good bye! There will be months when the baby doesn't sleep the night through, and we'll be up soothing, feeding, and rocking the baby all night long. That's fine... well, not fine but expected. We'll have to spend those sleepless nights with the baby. That's pat of the deal, I know, but I'm still not looking forward to missing all that sleep.

Oh, and I've started working a 2nd job at a local 'Neighborhood Grocery Store'. It's hard work, a lot of work and I'm enjoying being busy and working with my hands but it is job #2! Job #1, the school, starts up again next week and I'll be working Monday through Friday full time. I'm not quite sure yet what my schedule will be in the afternoon and evenings but several of those days I will, more than likely, leave one job and drive directly to the next one.

I'm not complaining - not yet anyway. I'm just saying there's a good chance that I am going to be pretty worn out in the next couple years or 18! I'm going to have to get good at catching little power naps here and there, or when ever I am able. Maybe I should go and take a nap now in preparation for the long days ahead.

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