Irene has come and gone and while it was an 'experience' it wasn't as devastating or as frightening, in my opinion, as Hurricane Isabel back in 2003. During that hurricane I was trapped in my parents' house with my dad as the Bay waters kept rising, the waves crashed over the sea wall, and the wind thrashed and roared all though out the dark night. This time around we hosted my dad, and he sat with us in a darkened, powerless apartment as we listened to the storm raging outside. I don't think the storm hit us as hard as I was expecting.
With that said we did lose power and remained powerless for several days; the electricity just coming on Monday evening. What an inconvenience/pain in the butt that has been. Fridge filled with suspect foods, weird smells, and prepared meals just going to waste! School is still out here in the county, and many homes are still without power. It is in sympathy with these unfortunate souls that I am raiding my pantry today and eating stored Hurricane rations of potted meats/fish and crackers for lunch, instead of running out to the grocery store with money I don't have... well, okay so maybe the finances do have something to do with it.
Many trees in the neighborhood are down, cars and houses damaged, power lines still down and people wandering the streets surveying the destruction. I'm not sure what has happened to the rest of the eastern seaboard since I haven't seen a news broadcast since before Irene came ashore, but I know that it could have been much worse around here. I did have a minor heart attack when I awoke to find a tree gently resting on my car. It wasn't a large tree, didn't cause any damage and was quickly and easily enough removed. We were fortunate.
'Here's to us and all our mistakes and all our losses and the gains we'll make.' -Thomas Hudson's 1st Wife
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What's Shakin'?
The earth, apparently.
The projector started to shake. The water in the fish tanks started sloshing all around. The students looked around the classroom bewildered as my knees or the floor buckled several times. Then I blurted out, "Earthquake!" That doesn't have the calming effect one would think it might have!
An earthquake, you might ask, unless you were living on the East Coast yesterday and felt the effects of the 5.9 shaker that originated in Mineral, VA. I've never been in an earthquake and, I have to admit it was pretty surreal. Time between the 1st rumblings and the last trembles has warped for me; it seems like it took forever but was over in the blink of an eye.
And now the area is bracing for the approach of Hurricane Irene! Will she or won't she, that little tease?
The projector started to shake. The water in the fish tanks started sloshing all around. The students looked around the classroom bewildered as my knees or the floor buckled several times. Then I blurted out, "Earthquake!" That doesn't have the calming effect one would think it might have!
An earthquake, you might ask, unless you were living on the East Coast yesterday and felt the effects of the 5.9 shaker that originated in Mineral, VA. I've never been in an earthquake and, I have to admit it was pretty surreal. Time between the 1st rumblings and the last trembles has warped for me; it seems like it took forever but was over in the blink of an eye.
And now the area is bracing for the approach of Hurricane Irene! Will she or won't she, that little tease?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
My Evening On 'Ensign Point'
Tonight Sara and I agreed to help out some friends and perform a little role-playing, interactive game at a local sleep away camp. Campers would walk around and deliver messages to and fro, ask questions of mysterious characters, and try and help solve the mystery. My post was on the southern most point of camp and surrounded by the Rhode River. Here are some snapshots, that do not include me in my pirate costume.
My station along for the evening. I waited for campers to find me.
Sunset over Sheephead Cove! Beautiful!
Once I actually had a fire, and the insects left me alone, the evening was quite fun.

Monday, August 15, 2011
This Might Be Hard To Believe...
... But I don't really like discussing myself. ('Then why do you write a blog?' you might be wondering.)
That's different. I like telling stories. I like writing scripts, and short stories. I do not like discussing personal details with strangers. I do not like answering questions about myself or my health when approached by professional question askers.
For example, today I had a doctor's appointment, a check up with my general practitioner, and I was not looking forward to it. I suffer from 'White Coat Syndrome' - meaning that my stress level jumps as soon as I walk into the waiting room. My blood pressure shows that anxiety, and I am not comfortable until I walk out to my car afterward.
Today I was especially uncomfortable, due to the fact that I have been rather lax lately in following through with my health care. I'm taking prescriptions for my health problems but did not follow through with a few appointments I was supposed to schedule. So sue me! I got busy living life. Preparing for a baby, finding a new job locally, paying bills, and finding a second job to help pay those bills has been occupying my time.
Having said that my appointment went pretty well. My weight has dropped, without trying, and my blood pressure is at a healthier level. The doctor was surprised that I hadn't followed through on his recommendations and that I let so long go between communicating with him. It wasn't a big scene or anything but I felt a little uncomfortable. This worsened when the doctor popped back in to the room as I was having my blood drawn and mentioned a new program that I might benefit from.
Basically, through my insurance I qualify for a new program. A case worker will help me stay on top of my healthcare. The representative will communicate between my doctors, and specialist, help arrange appointments, tests and procedures and will help make sure that I pay attention to the passage of time between appointments. The new program doesn't affect my insurance premiums, and I can cancel the option at any time.
Sure, why not. A representative came into ask me a few questions. Great! My blood pressure rises again. Medical history? Family history? Prescriptions? Lifestyle choices? Work? Finances? Question after question! All reasonable and logical! Still I felt uncomfortable with all this attention focused on me. Why does she need to know all about me to effectively help me? Silly question.
That's different. I like telling stories. I like writing scripts, and short stories. I do not like discussing personal details with strangers. I do not like answering questions about myself or my health when approached by professional question askers.
For example, today I had a doctor's appointment, a check up with my general practitioner, and I was not looking forward to it. I suffer from 'White Coat Syndrome' - meaning that my stress level jumps as soon as I walk into the waiting room. My blood pressure shows that anxiety, and I am not comfortable until I walk out to my car afterward.
Today I was especially uncomfortable, due to the fact that I have been rather lax lately in following through with my health care. I'm taking prescriptions for my health problems but did not follow through with a few appointments I was supposed to schedule. So sue me! I got busy living life. Preparing for a baby, finding a new job locally, paying bills, and finding a second job to help pay those bills has been occupying my time.
Having said that my appointment went pretty well. My weight has dropped, without trying, and my blood pressure is at a healthier level. The doctor was surprised that I hadn't followed through on his recommendations and that I let so long go between communicating with him. It wasn't a big scene or anything but I felt a little uncomfortable. This worsened when the doctor popped back in to the room as I was having my blood drawn and mentioned a new program that I might benefit from.
Basically, through my insurance I qualify for a new program. A case worker will help me stay on top of my healthcare. The representative will communicate between my doctors, and specialist, help arrange appointments, tests and procedures and will help make sure that I pay attention to the passage of time between appointments. The new program doesn't affect my insurance premiums, and I can cancel the option at any time.
Sure, why not. A representative came into ask me a few questions. Great! My blood pressure rises again. Medical history? Family history? Prescriptions? Lifestyle choices? Work? Finances? Question after question! All reasonable and logical! Still I felt uncomfortable with all this attention focused on me. Why does she need to know all about me to effectively help me? Silly question.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Oh My God, There's Something In There!
Tonight I felt the baby kick for the very 1st time! Lately, Sara has been feeling all kinds of movement from Baby Cobb. She'll start suddenly, or gasp or squirm and mumble something about baby doing a back flip. Sometimes she'll even grab my hand and throw it on her belly and ask, "Did you feel that? What about that? You had to feel that?" But I never did.
Until tonight! Baby's been kicking up a storm and Sara swears she could see her belly move. So I tried again and WHAM there was a bump, a kick, a punch something against the palm of my hand! Then another and another! I lowered my face to Sara's belly and wouldn't you know my daughter caught me with a roundhouse kick to the head! She's moving in there, alright. She's like some kind of Bruce Lee/Ballerina and she is getting ready for opening kick off!
Until tonight! Baby's been kicking up a storm and Sara swears she could see her belly move. So I tried again and WHAM there was a bump, a kick, a punch something against the palm of my hand! Then another and another! I lowered my face to Sara's belly and wouldn't you know my daughter caught me with a roundhouse kick to the head! She's moving in there, alright. She's like some kind of Bruce Lee/Ballerina and she is getting ready for opening kick off!
A Tired Future
I think I have some long days and nights ahead of me. Everyone says when you have a baby kiss a full night's sleep good bye! There will be months when the baby doesn't sleep the night through, and we'll be up soothing, feeding, and rocking the baby all night long. That's fine... well, not fine but expected. We'll have to spend those sleepless nights with the baby. That's pat of the deal, I know, but I'm still not looking forward to missing all that sleep.
Oh, and I've started working a 2nd job at a local 'Neighborhood Grocery Store'. It's hard work, a lot of work and I'm enjoying being busy and working with my hands but it is job #2! Job #1, the school, starts up again next week and I'll be working Monday through Friday full time. I'm not quite sure yet what my schedule will be in the afternoon and evenings but several of those days I will, more than likely, leave one job and drive directly to the next one.
I'm not complaining - not yet anyway. I'm just saying there's a good chance that I am going to be pretty worn out in the next couple years or 18! I'm going to have to get good at catching little power naps here and there, or when ever I am able. Maybe I should go and take a nap now in preparation for the long days ahead.
Oh, and I've started working a 2nd job at a local 'Neighborhood Grocery Store'. It's hard work, a lot of work and I'm enjoying being busy and working with my hands but it is job #2! Job #1, the school, starts up again next week and I'll be working Monday through Friday full time. I'm not quite sure yet what my schedule will be in the afternoon and evenings but several of those days I will, more than likely, leave one job and drive directly to the next one.
I'm not complaining - not yet anyway. I'm just saying there's a good chance that I am going to be pretty worn out in the next couple years or 18! I'm going to have to get good at catching little power naps here and there, or when ever I am able. Maybe I should go and take a nap now in preparation for the long days ahead.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Good Question
"Enjoying your vacation?" he asked.
"It's okay," I replied, "I'm starting a new job tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll get a few shifts next week."
"Well, how are you gonna do that when you have the other job?"
"I'll work at the school during the day and then the 2nd job will be more in the evenings and weekends," I explained.
He shook his head and looked down at the wet pavement. "I guess you have to do what it takes."
Yes, I do. So I will be starting job #2 tomorrow. It will be part time and, hopefully, be flexible enough to work around job #1. Unfortunately, neither job pays particularly well so at this stage in the game I need them both. I'm excited though. This new job is a company that my wife and I both support, it seems like a good place to work, and it's right around the corner. We'll see how it all works out, especially when I start taking classes in the fall.
"It's okay," I replied, "I'm starting a new job tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll get a few shifts next week."
"Well, how are you gonna do that when you have the other job?"
"I'll work at the school during the day and then the 2nd job will be more in the evenings and weekends," I explained.
He shook his head and looked down at the wet pavement. "I guess you have to do what it takes."
Yes, I do. So I will be starting job #2 tomorrow. It will be part time and, hopefully, be flexible enough to work around job #1. Unfortunately, neither job pays particularly well so at this stage in the game I need them both. I'm excited though. This new job is a company that my wife and I both support, it seems like a good place to work, and it's right around the corner. We'll see how it all works out, especially when I start taking classes in the fall.
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