Saturday, August 14, 2010

Does The Head Count As A Killshot?

I think it does. In paintball, I mean. Today I tried paintball for the 1st time ever! It was a blast.

Friends of mine are getting married and in addition to all of the Wedding Events they decided to run a paintball game on Saturday morning. Matt, manages a Summer Camp and so has access to their facilities. I couldn't tell you the square yardage of the course, and I forget what kind of 'markers' (GUNS) we were shooting... um 'marking' with but I was running through the woods, and laying down a steady barrage of paint-filled capsules. The course was divided into 4 sections with various types of cover; tarps, wooden stick barriers, plank walls, and the canoes/tires area. The canoes/tires area was the toughest to penetrate, and always ended up being the defensive zone.

Now I have never served in the military but I've gone to a firing range or 2 in my day. I've never played paintball or even Laser Tag for that matter. I did play "WAR" when I was a kid - running through neighbors' yards, making ratatat noises with my mouth, and capturing enemy troops. It's not the same.

Today I was playing with some paintball veterans, plus the dude that designed the course, and then there was me and a few other newbies. I got a few kills. I took a few hits. I was shot in the head several times. (Thank you the creator of protective masks.) There was 1 shot in particular when I had a player pinned and was maneuvering for a better shot when he panicked stuck his muzzle in my general direction and fired off a volley of blind shots! I took a shot right between the eyes of my goggles. My whole world went yellow with a muffle splat!

I was on the losing side more than I was on the winning. I loved every second of it. Tonight at the rehearsal dinner 1 of the groomsmen came to chat me up, and he complimented me on my game play. He said I was a very 'brave' player. Translation = I don't have a shit ton of patience and got shot a lot for making brash decisions!

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