Yes, today marks 1 year since my mother lost her battle with Cancer! 1 whole year! It's amazing to me that 365 days, yes that is 1 year folks, has passed. All this weekend I keep reliving that weekend, moments in the ICU, and being with my family as she passed away. The sting may have numbed a bit but the wound is still there.
Many things have happened in the last year, and it was not an easy year to get through. Slowly things are starting to improve job wise, 'life direction' wise, and 'moving on' wise. Unfortunately, were still in the shitter as far as the almighty dollar is concerned but that's probably going to be an ongoing battle for us so we're trying not to sweat that too much... it doesn't always work out that way.
Oh, and that play that I did back in February, 'Frozen', was completely overlooked today at the Ruby Griffith Awards! Actually, 2 plays that I have been in this past year were eligible today - 'Frozen' was supposed to be a sure thing but we did not win. Disappointing. I am not a big believer in awards but I had hoped for some recognition for this incredibly challenging play. I was more upset for the director who obviously had anticipated a win. We'll see if the show still gets the accolades it deserves.

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