Sunday, February 07, 2010

Snowbound Day 3!

The snow stopped falling last night but the amount of snow to shovel is overwhelming! We've cleared our cars and 8/10s of our driveway. It was a Herculean effort! With the driveway cleared, and the road semi-plowed we were finally able to take the dog out for a walk.

The area is still digging out and probably will be for days. Annapolis is under a driving ban, supposedly, so we haven't left the neighborhood. I'm not sure if we would make it anyway.

The show that I'm supposed to be rehearsing this weekend opens on Friday and we've missed most of the tech weekend! 'FROZEN' opens this coming weekend, hopefully, and will run for the next 3 weeks. I hope I haven't forgotten all of my lines during this ordeal!

I am sore from shoveling & the beer is running out! I am cranky, restless, broke, and sick of Winter!

I do have good news to report. Dad has been located. He is stranded in Houston, TX. He will apparently be able to catch a flight in on Tuesday, and so gets to prolong his vacation by a few days. If he'd have called us on Friday maybe he'd be stuck down in Mexico still... ah, I'd love to be sitting on a beach, sucking down a margarita and soaking up the Mexican sun!

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